Tweens huddling, with the text: A Parents guide to managing tween acne

Tween Acne Skincare: Advice For Kids & Tweens Acne-Prone Skin

Tween Acne Skincare: Understanding and Managing Your Child's Skin

Acne is not just a teenage problem; it often starts during the tween years, affecting children as young as 8-12 years old. According to the NHS, acne is a common skin condition that can cause spots, oily skin, and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch. The American Academy of Dermatology highlights that hormonal changes during puberty are a primary cause of acne, making it crucial to address skin issues early with a proper skincare routine.

For parents, understanding what triggers acne in tweens and how to effectively manage it is essential. Establishing a consistent and effective skincare routine can make a significant difference in preventing and reducing breakouts in tweens. This blog will guide you through the causes of acne, the best ingredients for tween acne-prone skin, and practical skincare routines. We'll also provide tips for parents to support their children in maintaining healthy skin, ensuring they step into their teenage years with confidence.

''Tween acne is often caused by hormonal changes, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits. As parents, it's crucial to understand these factors and help your child manage them. Encourage a consistent skincare routine using gentle yet effective products, ensure they maintain a balanced diet, and remind them not to pick at their skin.''

Mark Poole - Bare Addiction Founder

Key Points for Managing Tween Acne:

Tween Acne Causes: Hormonal changes, environmental factors, and lifestyle influences are common causes of acne in tweens.

Effective Ingredients for Acne: Ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are effective and safe for managing acne-prone skin in tweens.

Consistent Skincare Routine: A 4-step AM & PM routine with cleanser, serum, spot treatment, and moisturizer helps manage acne effectively. Use SPF during the day and a night cream at night.

Parental Support Tips: Parents can help manage tween acne through diet, stress reduction, and choosing appropriate skincare products.

Importance of SPF: SPF is crucial for protecting acne-prone skin from UV and blue light rays, enhancing overall skin health.

What Causes Acne in Tweens?

Hormonal Changes

One of the primary causes of acne in tweens is hormonal changes. During puberty, the body begins to produce more androgens, hormones that can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum (oil). This increase in oil production can clog pores and create an environment conducive to the growth of acne-causing bacteria, leading to pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. According to the NHS, these hormonal shifts are a natural part of growing up and are the main reason for the prevalence of acne during the tween and teenage years.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors also play a significant role in the development of tween acne. Exposure to pollution, dirt, and other environmental pollutants can clog pores and exacerbate acne. Additionally, frequent touching of the face, use of unclean items like phones, and wearing tight clothing or sports gear can introduce bacteria and irritants to the skin, further aggravating acne symptoms.

Three tween girls smiling, with clear skin. Text reads: Key factors casuing tween acne: Hormonal changes, enviornmental factors and lifetsyle influences
Image from bare Addiction

Lifestyle Influences

Lifestyle choices can significantly impact acne in tweens. Diet, for instance, is often linked to skin health. Consuming a diet high in refined sugars and dairy products has been associated with an increase in acne severity. Encouraging a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help manage acne. The American Academy of Dermatology emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle to support overall skin health.

Stress is another lifestyle factor that can contribute to acne in kids. The pressures of school, social interactions, and extracurricular activities can lead to increased stress levels, which may worsen acne symptoms. Teaching tweens stress management techniques and ensuring they get adequate sleep can help reduce stress-related acne flare-ups.

Key Ingredients for Managing Tween Acne

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that is particularly effective for treating acne. It works by exfoliating the skin, unclogging pores, and reducing inflammation. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores to dissolve dead skin cells and excess sebum, preventing future breakouts.

Benefits for Tweens :

  • Gentle exfoliation that is suitable for sensitive, young skin.
  • Helps to reduce the frequency and severity of acne breakouts.
  • Reduces inflammation and redness associated with acne.

Bare Addiction Product :

  • Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser : This product contains 2% salicylic acid, making it an ideal choice for gently exfoliating and cleansing the skin, while also targeting acne-causing bacteria.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known acne-fighting ingredient that kills bacteria beneath the skin while also helping to clear out pores. It is effective in treating moderate to severe acne.

Benefits for Tweens:

  • Kills acne-causing bacteria on the skin's surface.
  • Helps to clear out pores and reduce the likelihood of future breakouts.
  • Can be used as a spot treatment to target specific areas.

Consideration: While benzoyl peroxide is effective, it can be harsh on sensitive skin. It’s important to use it in lower concentrations and possibly combine it with soothing ingredients to minimize irritation.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

Niacinamide is a versatile skincare ingredient known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to improve the skin’s barrier function, reduce sebum production, and even out skin tone.

Benefits for Tweens:

  • Reduces redness and inflammation.
  • Balances oil production, which can help prevent acne.
  • Strengthens the skin barrier, making it more resilient to acne-causing factors.

Bare Addiction Product:

  • Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30: Contains niacinamide, which helps to hydrate, protect, and reduce the appearance of blemishes.

Succinic Acid

Succinic acid is a newer addition to acne treatment products. It offers antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for treating mild to moderate acne without causing dryness or irritation.

Benefits for Tweens:

  • Helps reduce the appearance of blemishes.
  • Provides antibacterial action to prevent new acne from forming.
  • Mild enough for sensitive skin, reducing the risk of irritation.

Bare Addiction Product:

  • Anti-Blemish Boost Serum: Formulated with succinic acid to provide gentle exfoliation, reduce sebum production, and minimize the appearance of pores.

Jojoba Oil

Historically, oils have been avoided in acne treatments, but jojoba oil is an exception. It is non-comedogenic and closely resembles the skin’s natural sebum, making it an excellent moisturiser that doesn’t clog pores.

Benefits for Tweens:

  • Moisturises without causing breakouts.
  • Helps to balance oil production.
  • Provides soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Bare Addiction Product :

  • Nightly Refresh Moisturiser : Contains jojoba oil to provide hydration and support skin healing overnight.

By choosing products with these ingredients, tweens can effectively manage acne while maintaining healthy skin. Bare Addiction's range offers a comprehensive solution with products tailored to address the unique needs of young, acne-prone skin, ensuring a safe and effective skincare routine.

The Importance of a Consistent Skincare Routine

Managing acne-prone skin effectively requires dedication and consistency. For tweens, establishing a reliable skincare routine is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and preventing breakouts. Here is a recommended 4-step AM and PM routine that can help manage acne and promote clear skin:

AM Routine

  1. Cleanser

    • Step: Start the day by cleansing the skin to remove overnight build-up of oils and impurities.
    • Product: Use Bare Addiction’s Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser . This cleanser contains 2% salicylic acid, which helps to exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, and reduce acne-causing bacteria.
    • Benefit: Cleansing in the morning ensures that the skin is clean and ready to absorb subsequent products effectively.
  2. Serum

    • Step: Apply a lightweight serum to provide targeted treatment and hydration.
    • Product: Bare Addiction’s Anti-Blemish Boost Serum. This serum contains niacinamide and succinic acid, which help to control oil production, reduce redness, and improve skin texture.
    • Benefit: Serums penetrate deeply to address specific skin concerns such as acne and inflammation.
  3. Spot Treatment

    • Step: Use a spot treatment on any active blemishes to reduce their size and redness.
    • Product: Bare Addiction’s Rapid Action Spot Cream. It contains a combination of salicylic acid and azelaic acid derivative to target and reduce blemishes.
    • Benefit: Spot treatments provide concentrated action on problematic areas without over-drying the surrounding skin.
  4. Moisturiser with SPF

    • Step: Finish with a moisturiser that includes sun protection to hydrate the skin and protect it from UV damage.
    • Product: Bare Addiction’s Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 . This moisturiser hydrates the skin while providing broad-spectrum SPF30 protection against UV rays and environmental pollutants.
    • Benefit: Moisturising with SPF is essential to protect the skin from sun damage and prevent hyperpigmentation caused by acne scars.

PM Routine

  1. Cleanser

    • Step: Cleanse the skin to remove makeup, dirt, and excess oil accumulated throughout the day.
    • Product: Again, use Bare Addiction’s Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser to ensure the skin is thoroughly cleaned.
    • Benefit: Evening cleansing prepares the skin for nighttime treatments and ensures pores are not clogged overnight.
  2. Serum

    • Step: Apply a serum to treat and hydrate the skin overnight.
    • Product: Use the Anti-Blemish Boost Serum to continue addressing acne concerns and improving skin texture.
    • Benefit: Nighttime is when the skin repairs itself, so applying a serum helps to enhance this natural process.
  3. Spot Treatment

    • Step: Apply spot treatment on any active blemishes to reduce them overnight.
    • Product: Use the Rapid Action Spot Cream for its effective acne-fighting ingredients.
    • Benefit: Targeting spots overnight helps reduce their appearance by morning.
  4. Night Moisturiser

    • Step: Finish with a night moisturiser that hydrates and supports skin repair.
    • Product: Bare Addiction’s Nightly Refresh Moisturiser. It contains niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and jojoba oil to hydrate and repair the skin overnight.
    • Benefit: Night creams are formulated to support the skin’s natural repair processes, providing deeper hydration and treatment.

How conistency helps with managing kids Acne

Consistency is key when managing acne-prone skin. Regularly following this routine helps to maintain clear skin, prevent new breakouts, and improve overall skin health. Using products that are specifically formulated for acne-prone skin, such as non-comedogenic and oil-free options, ensures that the skin is treated gently yet effectively.

Incorporating a moisturiser with SPF in the morning routine is particularly important for young, acne-prone skin. Sun protection helps prevent further skin damage and hyperpigmentation from acne scars. By establishing and maintaining a consistent skincare routine, tweens can manage their acne more effectively and enjoy clearer, healthier skin.

For more detailed guidance on skincare routines and products, parents can visit reputable sources like NHS and the British Association of Dermatologists for comprehensive information.

Tips for Parents to Support Their Tweens with Acne

Helping your tween manage acne can be challenging, but with the right approach, parents can play a crucial role in improving their child’s skin health and confidence. Here are some practical tips for parents:

Diet and Nutrition

Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in antioxidants and vitamins, such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can support skin health. Reducing the intake of sugary and high-fat foods may also help control acne. According to Harvard Health, there's evidence that diets high in dairy and sugar can exacerbate acne.

Stress Management

Stress can worsen tween acne, so helping your tween manage stress is vital. Encourage activities that reduce stress, such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and hobbies they enjoy. According to The American Academy of Dermatology, managing stress can reduce tween acne flare-ups.

Skincare Products

Choosing the right skincare products is essential for managing tween acne. Look for products that are:

  • Non-comedogenic: These products do not clog pores.
  • Oil-free: Helps to reduce excess oil on the skin.
  • Gentle: Avoid products with harsh chemicals that can irritate young skin.

Bare Addiction’s range of products is ideal for tweens with acne-prone skin. The Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser with 2% salicylic acid gently exfoliates and unclogs pores, while the Anti-Blemish Boost Serum with niacinamide helps to control oil and reduce redness. The Rapid Action Spot Cream targets specific blemishes, and the Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 provides essential hydration and sun protection without clogging pores.

Consistency is Key

Encourage your tween to stick to their skincare routine. Consistent use of appropriate products helps in managing acne effectively. Explain the importance of following their AM and PM routines, as this consistency can significantly improve their skin condition over time.

Emotional Support

Acne can be emotionally challenging for tweens, impacting their self-esteem and social interactions. Offer support and understanding, and remind them that acne is common and treatable. Encouraging positive self-image and confidence is just as important as managing the physical aspects of acne.

Consulting a Dermatologist

If over-the-counter products are not effective, consider consulting a dermatologist. They can provide tailored advice and possibly prescribe stronger treatments if necessary. According to NHS , professional advice is essential for persistent or severe acne cases.

By incorporating these tips, parents can provide valuable support to their tweens in managing acne. It’s important to combine practical skincare routines with a healthy lifestyle and emotional support to effectively tackle acne in tweens.

SPF and Acne-Prone Skin: Why It Matters

SPF is crucial for young, acne-prone skin, offering essential protection that goes beyond just preventing sunburn. Exposure to UV rays can exacerbate acne, increase inflammation, and lead to hyperpigmentation and scarring, making it imperative to incorporate SPF into daily skincare routines.

According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, regular use of sunscreen can prevent UV-induced skin damage, which is particularly important for acne-prone skin. Sunscreen helps to prevent the darkening of acne scars and protects the skin's natural barrier, which can be compromised by acne treatments that often make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Bare Addiction’s Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 is an ideal choice for tweens. This product is specifically designed to provide hydration while protecting the skin from harmful UV rays and environmental pollutants. Its lightweight, non-comedogenic formula ensures that pores are not clogged, which is essential for managing acne-prone skin. Additionally, the Daily Defence Moisturiser also provides protection against blue light rays, which is crucial for young skin frequently exposed to screens. According to Dermatology Times, blue light can penetrate the skin more deeply than UV rays, potentially causing more significant damage, including increased pigmentation and premature aging.

The benefits of using SPF for young, acne-prone skin are clear: it helps prevent further skin damage, reduces the risk of acne scars becoming darker, and maintains the effectiveness of acne treatments by protecting sensitive skin from UV exposure. Incorporating a product like Bare Addiction’s Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 into a daily skincare routine is a simple yet effective step in managing and protecting young skin.

Common FAQs About Tween Acne Skincare

Addressing frequently asked questions is crucial for providing clarity and confidence to parents navigating tween acne skincare. For more detailed information on managing tween acne skincare, refer to trusted sources like Healthline and WebMD .

Here are some common questions and their answers:

At what age should my child start a skincare routine?

Children can start a basic skincare routine as early as age 9 or 10, especially if they show signs of acne or oily skin. It’s important to introduce gentle products and establish good habits early.

Are specific ingredients safe for young skin?

Yes, certain ingredients like salicylic acid, niacinamide, and benzoyl peroxide are generally safe for young, acne-prone skin. However, it’s crucial to use products formulated specifically for tweens and pre-teens to ensure they are gentle and non-irritating. Bare Addiction products are dermatologically approved and tailored for young skin.

How can I help my child manage acne without causing skin irritation?

Consistency and gentle care are key. Start with a mild cleanser, follow with a hydrating serum, apply a targeted spot treatment, and finish with a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Using SPF during the day is also essential to protect against UV and blue light damage.

What is the importance of using non-comedogenic products?

Non-comedogenic products are designed to not clog pores, reducing the risk of acne breakouts. They are particularly beneficial for young, acne-prone skin to keep it clear and healthy.

Can diet affect my child's acne?

Yes, diet can play a role in acne. Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting sugary and greasy foods. Staying hydrated is also essential for healthy skin.

Why is my Tween / preteen getting Acne?

Acne in Tweens / preteens (9-12-year-olds, also known as preadolescent or prepubertal acne, can occur due to several factors:

  1. Hormonal Changes: Even before puberty, children's bodies start producing hormones like androgens, which can lead to increased oil production and clogged pores.
  2. Genetics: If parents had acne at a young age, their children might be more prone to developing it early.
  3. Skincare Routine: Using harsh or incorrect skincare products can irritate the skin and cause acne. Ensure they use gentle, age-appropriate products.
  4. Diet and Lifestyle: High sugar and dairy intake, combined with poor hygiene habits, can contribute to acne development.

For more comprehensive insights, consult reputable sources like the NHS and British Skin Foundation .

Is It Safe for Tweens to Use Over-the-Counter Acne Treatments?

Many over-the-counter treatments are safe for tweens, but it's best to choose products with gentle ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

How Often Should My Tween Wash Their Face to Prevent Acne?

Tweens should wash their face twice daily with a gentle cleanser to remove excess oil and dirt without irritating the skin.

Are There Any Natural Remedies for Tween Acne?

Natural remedies like tea tree oil and aloe vera can help reduce acne. However, it's important to test for skin sensitivity before use.

What Type of Sunscreen Is Best for Acne-Prone Skin?

Non-comedogenic, oil-free (depends on the oil though!) sunscreens are best for acne-prone skin as they don’t clog pores.

Should Tweens Avoid Makeup to Prevent Acne?

It's not necessary to avoid makeup entirely, but it's crucial to use non-comedogenic and oil-free makeup products to prevent clogging pores.

Can Stress Cause Acne in Tweens?

Yes, stress can lead to hormonal fluctuations that may increase oil production and cause acne.

How Long Does It Take for Acne Treatments to Show Results?

Acne treatments can take 4-6 weeks to show visible results. Consistency is key in any skincare routine.

What Ingredients Should Be Avoided in Skincare for Tweens?

Avoid products with drying alcohols, synthetic fragrances, and harsh exfoliants that can irritate young skin.

Is It Normal for Acne to Get Worse Before It Gets Better?

Yes, initial purging is common with new acne treatments as they bring underlying impurities to the surface before clearing the skin.


In summary, managing tween acne requires understanding the underlying causes, using effective ingredients, and maintaining a consistent skincare routine. Encouraging healthy habits and consulting with dermatologists for personalised advice can make a significant difference. Bare Addiction products offer a balanced, effective approach to managing acne-prone skin in tweens, making them an ideal choice for young skin.

Mark Poole founder of Bare Addiction. Featuring a young male.
Image from LinkedIn

About the Author: Mark Poole

Mark Poole is the founder and managing director of Bare Addiction. Mark has extensive experience in the beauty and cosmetics industry, as well as founding and developing the Bare Addiction range with industry leading dermatologists and formulation experts. 

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Tween kids huddling. text reads: A parents guide to  managing tween acne

Written By : Bare Addiction