
The Best Teenage Skincare Guide: Key Ingredients for 13-19 Year-Olds

Key Ingredients for Sensitive, Oily, and Acne-Prone Skin

Parenting a teen or pre-teen comes with unique challenges, and skincare is definitely on the list. As hormonal changes kick in, issues like acne, oily skin, and sensitive skin can become a daily struggle - remember this isn't at a set age, and this can apply to tweens, and adults. Understanding the best ingredients for teenage skincare can make a significant difference during this difficult time where self-esteem and confidence can be affected. In this guide, we focus on Azelaic acid, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Succinic acid, and Salicylic acid as must-haves for your teen's skincare routine.

It's also often overlooked, but it's also important to look at what ingredients are good in certain products, for example a Salicylic Cleanser may be more suitable than a Salicylic Moisturiser, and a Niacinamide Moisturiser is better than having this ingredient in a cleanser. Some ingredients are more effective as a wash-off application, others are better as a leave-on product.

The Best Teenage Skincare Guide: Key Ingredients For 13-19 Year-Olds

Key points for Teen Skincare Ingredients:

Effective Ingredients for Teen Skincare: Key ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid are highlighted for their effectiveness in managing teenage acne and maintaining healthy skin.

Safe and Suitable Products: Bare Addiction products are recommended for their combination of natural and scientifically-proven active ingredients, making them safe and suitable for young, acne-prone skin.

Importance of a Consistent Routine: Establishing a consistent skincare routine with cleansing, moisturising, and targeted treatments is crucial for effectively managing acne and maintaining overall skin health.

Sun Protection is Essential: Daily use of sunscreen is emphasized to protect young skin from harmful UV rays, prevent sunburn, and reduce the risk of long-term skin damage.

Avoiding Harsh Ingredients: Teenagers should avoid skincare products containing harsh chemicals, alcohol, and fragrances, as these can irritate the skin and exacerbate acne issues.

Azelaic Acid: A Must-Have for Teenage Acne

Azelaic acid is a go-to ingredient for young skin types, especially those prone to acne and sensitivity. With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it effectively reduces redness and controls breakouts. It also regulates sebum production, which is a key factor in acne development, making it an essential part of the best products for teenage acne.

  • Best as a wash-off, leave-on product or both? Azelaic Acid can be effective as both wash-off and leave-on treatments. Depending on the percentage, higher percentages are more suitable for wash-off.
  • Bare Addiction product(s) with this ingredient: Bare Addiction Nightly Refresh Moisturiser - Contains an Azelaic Acid derivative that helps improve skin complexion and tackle signs of hyperpigmentation. 
  • Suitable for which skin types: Azelaic Acid is suitable for all skin types, especially those with acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Potential negative results: Rare, but Azelaic Acid may cause mild irritation and redness initially for very sensitive skin types. Certain derivatives, like the one used by Bare Addiction have been created to lower negative results and increase beneficial results.
  • Benefits: Azelaic Acid is recommended mainly due to it's ability to reduce inflammation, kill acne-causing bacteria, and help to reduce pigmentation.
Text: Best skincare ingredients for Teen Skin. Image: Skincare ingredeints for teens.
Image from Bare Addiction

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): The All-Rounder for Young Skin

Niacinamide, also known as Vitamin B3, is another star player in the skincare game for teens and young adults. It minimises pore appearance, regulates oil production, and has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin. For teenagers dealing with post-acne scars, Niacinamide can even help fade the stubborn marks, making it a staple in the must have ingredients for teens.

  • Best as a wash-off, leave-on product or both? Niacinamide is most effective as a leave-on product.
  • Bare Addiction product(s) with this ingredient: Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 - Formulated with Niacinamide to help restore the skin’s natural barrier and improve overall skin complexion. Nightly Refresh Moisturiser - Also includes Niacinamide to support the skin's natural barrier and promote a more even skin tone.
  • Suitable for which skin types: Niacinamide is suitable for all skin types, particularly beneficial for acne-prone and aging skin.
  • Potential negative results: Niacinamide can, on rare occasions cause mild itching, redness, or irritation initially, especially for very sensitive skin.
  • Benefits: Niacinamide is renown for it's ability to Strengthen the skin’s barrier, minimises pore appearance, regulates oil production, and reduces redness.

Succinic Acid: The Gentle Powerhouse

Succinic acid is gaining traction as a gentler alternative to Salicylic acid, especially beneficial for sensitive, younger skin. This unique ingredient not only combats acne-causing bacteria but also controls excess oil production. Adding products with Succinic acid into your teen's daily routine can pave the way for healthier, clearer skin.

  • Best as a wash-off, leave-on product or both? Succinic Acid is vastly more effective as a leave-on product. Often found in serums and moisturisers.
  • Bare Addiction product(s) with this ingredient: Anti-Blemish Boost Serum - Features Succinic Acid for its gentle exfoliation properties and sebum reduction capabilities.
  • Suitable for which skin types: Succinic Acid is best for oily, acne-prone skin types, mainly due to it's benefits and the fact it target more problematic skin concerns.
  • Potential negative results: Succinic Acid can have limited negative effects, this can include dryness or peeling with overuse. Using as recommended, and using hydrating products afterwards will overcome this.
  • Benefits: Succinic Acid effectively decreases the size and redness of blemishes, controls sebum production, and has antibacterial properties.

Salicylic Acid: The Classic Acne Fighter

Salicylic Acid remains a trusted ingredient in the best teenage acne skincare products. As a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), it dives deep into the pores, clearing out dead skin cells and unclogging acne-causing impurities. You will often find this ingredient at different strengths, this may be for brands to reduce cost, or if the product is leave-on vs rinse-off. For problematic skin 2% is the golden standard but best as a rinse/wash-off product, lower percentages at 0.5%-1% are more suitable for leave-on. While effective, it's crucial to use Salicylic acid cautiously to prevent skin dryness or irritation. Look for products that have encapsulated forms of salicylic acid to reduce irritation, and always moisturise afterwards, and apply SPF during the day. 

  • Best as a wash-off, leave-on product or both? Salicylic Acid can be highly effective as both, depending on the formulation, and the percentage used. Higher percentages 1-2% best for oily skin and spots, are better as rinse-off as they can irritate the skin otherwise.
  • Bare Addiction product(s) with this ingredient: Daily Foaming Gel CleanserContains a 2% Encapsulated Salicylic Acid complex that helps to gently exfoliate and unclog pores, making it ideal for managing oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Suitable for which skin types: Salicylic is especially good for oily and acne-prone skin. This is due to it's effective exfoliation benefits.
  • Potential negative results: Overuse of Salicylic Acid, and initial use for very sensitive skin types may cause dryness and irritation.
  • Benefits: Salicylic Acid exfoliates the skin, clears pores, reduces sebum secretion, and helps prevent acne breakouts.

Routines that combine the best ingredients for Teens

As we have seen, there are different ingredients that have very different uses, and some that compliment each other and others that are best used after others. For the most effective results to get clear and healthy teenage skin, it's best to combine these ingredients into a skincare routine.

Selecting the right products that incorporate these essential ingredients can make all the difference. Bare Addiction Skincare specialises in formulating the best skincare products for teenagers. Their line includes a powerful blend of Azelaic acid, Niacinamide, Succinic acid, and Salicylic acid, among other beneficial ingredients aimed at tackling acne and oily skin issues.

Parenting through the teen years doesn't have to include endless battles over acne and oily skin. By choosing the right products and ingredients like Azelaic acid, Niacinamide, Succinic acid, and Salicylic acid, you can guide your teen towards clearer, healthier skin. Committing to a consistent skincare routine is key. Opt for products formulated especially for young, sensitive, and acne-prone skin to achieve the best results.

To explore the Bare Addiction Skincare range and understand how their products can help address your teen's specific skin concerns, visit their products here

Bare Addiction Skincare: Your Go-To for Teenage Skincare Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Teenage Skicnare Ingredients:

What are the best key ingredients for teenage skincare?

Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and retinoids are among the most effective ingredients for teenage skincare. These ingredients help manage acne, hydrate the skin, and promote cell turnover. Read more from the NHS here and from DermNet NZ here .

Is salicylic acid safe for teenagers?

Yes, salicylic acid is safe for teenagers. It helps to unclog pores, reduce acne, and exfoliate the skin. However, it should be used as directed to avoid over-drying the skin. For further information, read more from the NHS here.

How does benzoyl peroxide help with teenage acne?

Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria on the skin and helps to reduce inflammation, making it effective for treating acne. It also helps to clear out pores and reduce oiliness. Find more details from the NHS here.

What is niacinamide, and why is it beneficial for teenage skin?

Niacinamide, also known as Vitamin B3, helps to reduce inflammation, control oil production, and improve the skin barrier. It is beneficial for both acne-prone and sensitive skin. Learn more from the British Association of Dermatologists here.

Can teenagers use retinoids, and what are their benefits?

Yes, teenagers can use retinoids. They help to promote cell turnover, reduce acne, and improve skin texture. However, retinoids can be irritating, so it's important to use them under the guidance of a dermatologist. More information is available from the NHS here.

Is it necessary for teenagers to use sunscreen daily?

Yes, daily use of sunscreen is crucial for teenagers to protect their skin from harmful UV rays, prevent sunburn, and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Sunscreen also helps to prevent hyperpigmentation and premature aging. Read more from the NHS here .

What should teenagers avoid in skincare products?

Teenagers should avoid skincare products with harsh chemicals, alcohol, fragrances, and parabens, as these can irritate the skin and worsen acne. For further guidance, visit the British Skin Foundation here.

How often should teenagers wash their face?

Teenagers should wash their face twice a day, in the morning and before bed, to remove excess oil, dirt, and makeup. Over-washing can strip the skin of natural oils and cause irritation. Find more information from the NHS here .

Can teenagers use moisturisers if they have oily skin?

Yes, teenagers with oily skin should use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser to keep their skin hydrated without clogging pores. Moisturising helps to balance the skin's natural oil production. Read more from the NHS here

Are there any dietary changes that can help improve teenage acne?

While the link between diet and acne is still being researched, some studies suggest that reducing sugar intake and avoiding dairy products may help improve acne. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and water is recommended. Learn more from the British Association of Dermatologists here .

Mark Poole founder of Bare Addiction. Featuring a young male.
Image from LinkedIn

About the Author: Mark Poole

Mark Poole is the founder and managing director of Bare Addiction. Mark has extensive experience in the beauty and cosmetics industry, as well as founding and developing the Bare Addiction range with industry leading dermatologists and formulation experts. 

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Topics covered: Best Ingredients for Teenage Skincare, Best Products for Teenage Acne, Teenage Acne Skincare Products, Best Skincare Products for Teens, Sensitive Teenage Skin, Oily Skin in Teens, Acne-prone Teenage Skin.

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